Download The Gospel of Trees A Memoir Apricot Irving 9781451690460 Books

By Hector Lott on Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Download The Gospel of Trees A Memoir Apricot Irving 9781451690460 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 384 pages
  • Publisher Simon & Schuster; Reprint edition (March 26, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1451690460

The Gospel of Trees A Memoir Apricot Irving 9781451690460 Books Reviews

  • Amazing. This book stares directly in the face of difficult choices and finds beauty. She doesn't shy away from looking for truth and refuses to take the easy path of demonizing the people we don't agree with. She makes you think about what that desire to "save the the world" costs yourself, your family and the people you are trying to save while not letting go of our need to care deeply about each other and the Earth. An amazing read and one that made me sorry to turn the last page.
  • A very fascinating book to read, a page-turner that I finished in 2 days. It doesn't provide a magic answer to helping the country, but provides a compelling story that makes you think. It's the kind of book (or movie) that when you finish it, you want to go out for coffee with friends to discuss it and try to wrestle with the tough problems to solve.
  • I really enjoyed reading this book. Having been to Haiti multiple times on mission trips, I have learned a few things about Haiti. I've also grown to love the people of Haiti and the country. This book taught me so much about Haiti. It also taught me about the struggles and challenges of being a missionary in Haiti. It is also a story about family and the relationships of people in this particular family and the challenges that they met. The author's father grew to love Haiti and to pass that on to his children and others. Haiti is not a simple country. It is very complex. This book helped me understand a little bit about the relationships of people within Haiti as well as the struggles of people who try to "help" Haiti. Haiti is a beautiful country with beautiful people. Many people just see it as a country in need but it is so much more. This book helps to share that thought. It may not always be an easy book to read as it may challenge your perceptions but it may help you grow.
  • Apricot paints the complexity of Haiti, mission work, adolescence, family, race, culture, history and more with bold, fluid strokes and subtle shades that challenge both the intellect and emotions. Her daring vulnerability provides the kind of beautiful and at times uncomfortable honesty that gives life to a collection of stories and makes them truly a memoir. Though I grew up with Apricot and am familiar with nearly all of the people, places, and major events mentioned in this book, I have learned so much by viewing them again from her perspective. This is one of the only books that I've read all the way through, then started back at the beginning and read again. There's a lot to enjoy and a lot to chew on.
  • As a piece of literature, Apricot's remarkable prose just blew me away. She managed to put across to her readers the incredible beauty of Haiti and the indomitable spirit of Haitians, things I have witnessed in my several visits there. She explained how difficult mission work is and how critical it is to understand the local culture and work with it.
    My son, his wife and their two kids live permanently near St Marc managing Clean Water for Haiti , a bio sand filter operation. The Gospel of Trees resonated with me especially for that reason, but anyone interested in missions and or Haiti will find this book an invaluable resource as well.
  • Loved this book! Several times I went back to re-read a sentence, just to enjoy the beautiful flow of the words. The drama within this family is compelling. How will they manage to hold their family together? Haiti presents such beauty and deep challenges. Congratulations to A.Irving...a Great Read!
  • Compelling story that was thought provoking, insightful and grappled some of life's most difficult questions. Rare insight into the messy lives of family relationships, poverty and those who dedicate their lives to helping others. Many deep truths to be discovered in the Gospel of Trees and it deserves to be discussed throughly with a book group or with someone else that you love.
  • This moving and carefully constructed tapestry is worthy of any reader's inclusion. Ms. Irving's beautifully thoughtful descriptive skills reminds one of Barbara Kingsolver's works...particularly The Poisonwood Bible.